Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The Kiwanis of Oxford, Ohio is dedicated to serving the local community through various service and fundraising projects. Our club has been in service to our community since 1926. We are part of Kiwanis International, an organization serving children for over 100 years.
The Oxford members are proud supporters and contributors to over 25 service projects and programs annually in the local community. This includes being corporate sponsors of Boy Scout Troop 930, Cub Scout Pack 961, Crew, and Indian Creek Girl Scouts.
The Oxford Club also sponsors Kiwanis-based Service Leadership Programs in each of the Talawanda School district schools. They include:
K-Kids at Kramer, Bogan, and Marshall Elementary Schools – K-Kids focus on elementary students and provides them with opportunities to work together on service projects, develop leadership potential and create strong moral character.
Builders Club at Talawanda Middle School – Builders Club for adolescents provides students with opportunities to develop leadership, improve self-esteem, increase civic engagement and learn life skills through service.
Key Club at Talawanda High School -Key Club is the oldest and largest service organization for teens, and teaches leadership through service to others.
The Oxford Club also sponsors a Circle K International chapter at Miami University. Comprised of university students, they are involved in numerous service activities both on and off the campus.
The following is a partial list of activities supported by Kiwanis Club of Oxford:
Citizen of the Year Adult Day Care Community Food Drive Family Resource Center School Supplies for Needy Oxford Museum Association Literacy Team CASA Parachute THS Student Recognition Miami Little League Talawanda Pride Day Camp Invention Community Choice Pantry Oxford Senior Games Oxford Free Clinic Reach Out & Read Respect for Law Camp Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive Kids Environment Unit Literary Buzz
Our Community Service
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The Kiwanis of Oxford, Ohio is dedicated to serving the local community through various service and fundraising projects. Our club has been in service to our community since 1926. We are part of Kiwanis International, an organization serving children for over 100 years.
The Oxford members are proud supporters and contributors to over 25 service projects and programs annually in the local community. This includes being corporate sponsors of Boy Scout Troop 930, Cub Scout Pack 961, Crew, and Indian Creek Girl Scouts.
The Oxford Club also sponsors Kiwanis-based Service Leadership Programs in each of the Talawanda School district schools. They include:
The Oxford Club also sponsors a Circle K International chapter at Miami University. Comprised of university students, they are involved in numerous service activities both on and off the campus.
The following is a partial list of activities supported by Kiwanis Club of Oxford:
Citizen of the Year
Adult Day Care
Community Food Drive
Family Resource Center
School Supplies for Needy
Oxford Museum Association
Literacy Team
CASA Parachute
THS Student Recognition
Miami Little League
Talawanda Pride Day
Camp Invention
Community Choice Pantry
Oxford Senior Games
Oxford Free Clinic
Reach Out & Read
Respect for Law Camp
Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive
Kids Environment Unit
Literary Buzz
Club News
7/16/2024 - Sterling Williams is an Official Kiwanian!
6/18/2024 - Mien Nguyen is Now a Kiwanian!
6/11/2024 - Tom Schaber, the Newest Member of the Kiwanis Family
6/4/24 - Back to School Bash initiative Receives Award
4/30/24 - Anna Warner Receives the Kiwanis Scholastic and Citizenship Award
3/19/24 - Dennis Johnson Old/New Member
2/27/24 - Bradly Adkins Receives Kiwanis Scholarship and Citizenship Award
2/20/24 - Oxford’s Citizens of the Year(s) Honored by Kiwanis Club
1/9/24 - Welcome New Member Margaret Smith
11/23/23 - Kiwanis Welcomes Two New Members: Gary Haines & Jim Kiper
10/10/23 - Kiwanis Introduces a New Leadership Award to Recognize Exemplary Service